What the script does, corresponds to going through all items manually making sure the attributes: "HTML Table Cell Attributes" of the label and "HTML Table Cell Attributes" of the element are set. The script will add the text : "class="html_table_cell_attr_label"" ,and the text: "class="html_table_cell_attr_element"" to all fields where it is missing. It will NOT replace the text in the field.
update apex_040100.wwv_flow_step_items set
cattributes = cattributes || ' class="html_table_cell_attr_label"'
where flow_id = 100
and cattributes not like '% class="html_table_cell_attr_label"%'
update apex_040100.wwv_flow_step_items set
cattributes_element = cattributes_element || ' class="html_table_cell_attr_element"'
where flow_id = 100
and cattributes_element not like '% class="html_table_cell_attr_element"%'